MendoFever | Over Two Hundred Mendocino County Residents Gather in Ukiah to Celebrate Mural Depicting Round Valley’s Khadijah Britton
Yesterday evening, over two hundred people gathered at Ukiah’s Arbor Youth Resource Center celebrating the completion of a mural depicting Covelo’s Khadijah Britton, a missing and believed possibly murdered indigenous woman who disappeared over three years ago. The celebration included speeches, dancers, prayers, and a meal for all attending guests.
The mural was the product of artist Shane Grammer, Drug-Free Communities Coalition Director Kate Feigin and Project Coordinator Amalia Abrojena, and over a dozen local youth who dedicated themselves to honoring Khadijah Britton and other missing and murdered indigenous people.
Khadijah Britton’s disappearance in February 2018 has remained unsolved. Britton was last seen with her boyfriend Negis Falis when he dragged her violently from a party and she was never seen again. Falis is currently in prison for weapons and other assorted charges and the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office has stated publicly he is suspected of her disappearance.
Dance and song permeated the evening as performers and attendees honored the mural, Khadijah Britton, and all missing and murdered people [Pictures taken by Matt LaFever]