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Understaning Poverty: From Migrant Labor Worker to Doctorate-Session 1

Understanding Poverty - Online Training Series - 4-day event

Most of the training on poverty is conducted by people who have not lived it. Dr. Beegle brings an insider perspective - as well as 30 years of working in all 50 states - to break poverty barriers. In this series of four trainings, she shares her unique insights along with a foundational understanding of poverty and its impacts on our neighbors.

The four sessions that make up this training series, include:

·        Session 1: From Migrant Labor Worker to Doctorate: What Worked? (Tuesday, Jan. 19, 3:00-4:30 pm)

·        Session 2: Shattering the Myths - Removing Stereotypes that Get in the Way of Making a Difference (Thursday, Jan. 21, 3:00-4:30 pm)

·        Session 3: Defining the Many Types of Poverty, Examining Their Impacts, and Providing the Tools for Meeting People Where They Are (Tuesday, Jan. 26, 3:00-4:30 pm)

·        Session 4: Understanding Poverty and the Added Impacts of the Current Pandemic (Thursday, Jan. 28, 3:00-4:30 pm)

You do not need to attend all 4 sessions to benefit from this training, but it is highly recommended that you attend as many as possible.