Communicating and Relating More Effectively - Online Training Series - 4-day event
Do you want some easy tools to make a big difference for people in poverty?
Income, educational opportunities, and life experiences shape communication styles and how we relate to others. In Dr. Beegle’s research with people living in the crisis of poverty, 92% reported that when they leave a helping professional they do not know what to do next. Much of the misunderstanding is related to the vocabulary we use, our examples, and styles of sharing information. In this interactive training series, participants will learn the five biggest causes of communication breakdown, explore differences in communication by social class, understand the impact of life experiences on communication styles, and obtain concrete tools for improving communication, relationships, and follow through.
The four sessions that make up this training series, include:
· Session 1: Two Distinct Communication Styles (Tues, Feb. 16, 3:00-4:30 pm)
· Session 2: Causes of Communication Breakdowns (Thurs, Feb. 18, 3:00-4:30 pm)
· Session 3: Five Tools for Improving Communication (Tues, Feb. 23, 3:00-4:30 pm)
· Session 4: Building Relationships that Matter (Thurs, Feb. 25, 3:00-4:30 pm)
You do not need to attend all 4 sessions to benefit from this training, but it is highly recommended that you attend as many as possible.
Learn what others from your community have to say about this training series
"The best thing about this training was the perspective the training gave me on how to better connect with the people we serve."
"A valuable piece of information I gained from this training was how to breakdown communication barriers."
"This training has really been enlightening for my communication style and I have learned things I look forward to applying."
"A valuable piece of information I gained from this training was the value of self-disclosure and understanding the "noise" of poverty; why written materials aren't relevant to those in poverty."
"My leadership and many people I work with are very Print Culture orientated. I'm not; I am Oral based. This information has provided an excellent way to bridge barriers and gaps in our organization that ultimately helps them have a better understanding of the members we serve."
"The best thing about this training was the concepts for improving communication especially when working with people who have experienced poverty. Good points made to give food for thought regarding how important relationships and connection are to help the people we work with."
"A valuable piece of information I gained from this training was the different ways to be more gracious to others and remove/suppress judgment.
"I really like that Dr. Beegle talked about listening first. We--as professionals--have a hard time with this action. We tend to not listen and think about a rebuttal. It's best to listen, repeat, and summarize what has been said. That way the person you're talking to is heard. Great training."